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Главная » Онлайн игры » Египет

Древний Египет - Солитер

В этой онлайн игре Древний Египет - Солитер (Pyramid Solitaire) вы должны помочь фараону Египта построить потрясающую пирамиду путем последовательного удаления карт. Clear cards by selecting pairs of cards that add up to exactly 13.

Aces count as 1, Jacks count as 11 and Queens count as 12. Kings count as 13 and can be removed at any time by simply clicking on them. All other cards are at their face value. To aid you, you may place a single card in the Temp Card Store.

This will increase your pairing options. To pass a round it will be necessary for you to use this strategically using some planning. Additionally the undo button will undo any single move.

One trick is to draw 3 additional cards to see if they will change the order of the cards that you will remove from the cards dealt at the top. If not, no harm done, just undo the move and continue! Pyramid Solitaire rewards excellent play. You receive bonus points for completing a level quickly, removing all cards in both the pyramid and the deck, and failing that for any remaining cards in the deck that you have not uncovered.

Рейтинг: 4.0/218
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